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Postcode Service Magento 2


We strongly recommend that you use a Staging Environment for the installation, and to also make a backup of your environment.

To install the extension login to your environment using SSH. Then navigate to the Magento 2 root directory and run the following commands in the same order as described:

Enable maintenance mode:

php bin/magento maintenance:enable
  1. Install the extension:
    composer require tig/postcode-magento2
  2. Enable the Postcode Service Magento 2 extension
    php bin/magento module:enable TIG_Postcode
  3. Update the Magento 2 environment:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

When your Magento environment is running in production mode, you also need to run the following comands:

  1. Compile DI:
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  2. Deploy static content:
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  3. Disable maintenance mode:
    php bin/magento maintenance:disable

Installation manually

  1. Download the extension directly from github by clicking on Code and then Download ZIP.
  2. Create the directory app/code/TIG/Postcode (Case-sensitive)
  3. Extract the zip and upload the code into app/code/TIG/Postcode
  4. Enable the Postcode Service Magento 2 extension
    php bin/magento module:enable TIG_Postcode
  5. Update the Magento 2 environment:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Update the extension

To update the Postcode Service Extension run the following commands:

composer update tig/postcode-magento2
php bin/magento setup:upgrade


When the installation of the extension is finished, it should be available within the backend of the webshop where the plugin can be configured.

  1. Go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Postcode Service NL/BE.
  2. Open the Configuration tab.
  3. Change the Modus from “Off” to “Test” or “Live”. In case you do not have a live account you can request one via or webiste or you can contact us at:
  4. Insert the Client ID and Api key (when you selected “Test” at the previous step, you can find test credentials below the fields).
  5. Save the configuration.
  6. Flush your cache.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs for the Postcode Service?

The costs for using the Postcode Service can be found at our website:

How does the plugin look within the checkout?

Dutch Postcode Service within the Magento 2 checkout Postservice Magento 2 checkout NL

Dutch Postcode Service within the Magento 2 checkout Postservice Magento 2 checkout BE
